Wednesday, 2 November 2016

1. The Lantern and Bookshelf

Yes! I started a blog…and it feels like I won a scholarship or got gifted an exotic holiday💃
Isn’t it strange how something so seemingly obvious took me ages to consider?🤔 I mean I’ve talked about writing severally, but in my head writing meant “write a book”. Typical of me, wanting to Go big or Go home, but I'm beginning to realise that Big is not the objective, “Real” is.  So I said to myself just do it… whether big, small or medium, start something and let the rest unfold with time. Well…here we are!😉

Now, This blog is about following my joy of sharing that one thing which has consistently excited me throughout my lifetime. “Books”! (Knowledge)

It is my intense belief, that my love for reading even the strangest kinds of books or material, and my ability to translate its relevant summarized content to others in a story tell way, will spark some recognition & action in the tentative reader who seeks to know and do more, in order to self-actualize.(mouth full? read again)

Basically, To teach/share what I have learned in a way that is easy for my readers to relate and to apply. So if this proves useful or makes a difference in the life of one or more persons, then I'm good.

Mmmmm…Do I sense some rolling eyes or doubting smiles at the blog name & intention? To be honest (and this might sound cheesy) I didn’t pick the name, the name picked me (it’s true)🙌. From the moment I decided yeah I can start a blog… a picture popped  up in my head and stayed there.
I even made a sketch (can’t draw to save my life), but first I saw the picture and then decided on the name and if you’re the least bit interested in symbols, then the picture and Blog Icons should speak volumes right???  Right!
I therefore invite you to come with me on this journey through the minds of life’s greatest authors, as we together uncover the secrets behind the pages, and expand our consciousness of “living” through the Book experience! of the moment.

Do indulge me as I will sometimes draw on my own life experiences to paint a clearer picture, if I think it will help to drive the message home.
At the end of each book experience, it is my hope that you would be curious to explore the full content of the book yourself and by so doing realise your own unique insight from its pages.
or, that you would have taken just enough inspiration out of each post, to be used in positive action for the fulfillment of your goals.

In other news, I’m looking forward to exploring my liking for “pictures” as I work on the best angles, themes or lighting to present the Book experience of the moment.

Cheers🍸 to open minds!🙏 and welcome to my Blog...


  1. I can't wait to through the books with you...this is really awesome. Now I have someone to summariz
    e all the books I'd like to read...wink wink....Ukwudi

  2. Looking forward to learning and sharing with other book lovers.

  3. Way 2 go dear! Proud of you...😚
    Cheers to open minds! #TheLanternAndBookshelf

  4. Way 2 go dear! Proud of you...😚
    Cheers to open minds! #TheLanternAndBookshelf

  5. Hmmmmn!!! Passion always show in little words. The words in this intro can't be refered to as little.
