The 2nd Pillar: Do It Full Out
"The disunited mind is far from wise, you must overcome the confusion of duality"
The previous post introducing this book which focused on the 1st pillar (Look to your Dharma), outlined how we find and understand the gifts which form our true nature, real selves, etc...leading to our purpose. The quote above implies that once you have discovered that niche which is yours to enjoy and occupy, then you must commit to it and give it the best of you. The temptation to multi-specialize is a common trend in this day and age but the result of that is you never quite achieve greatness in any sphere. Therefore, commit to your niche and don't get distracted by the glitz, glam or comfort elsewhere. Do yours..Full out! by....
* Creating the right conditions for it and doing it on purpose
* Unify, Focus & Concentrate your energies on it
* Practice Deliberately
- Create the right conditions & do it on purpose
"Actions taken in support of your calling can transform you as an individual. The act of commitment itself calls forth an unseen power that helps you grow into outcome."
Do we recognise this power in any aspects of our lives? I sure do, notice how any time you firmly make up your mind on something you're convinced of, it just happens to work out regardless of challenges you might have anticipated in the beginning, and the more you lean into it, the better it gets. At other times however, you probably got talked into(or talked yourself into) something you weren't really feeling but did it anyway and ended up stressing yourself out with little or no results...well, stop that.
Its hard I know, especially in a world like ours where one's got to eat and sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Fair enough.
The advice here is that , you can keep giving excuses and remain mediocre/unsatisfied/divided in mind...as time passes you by, or you can take the leap and create a life filled with purpose and rich meaning, which will eventually result in you having everything of importance you need if you work at it consciously and committedly.
So...having searched truly and deeply, you get a sense of what it is you need to do and what will enable you do it, next step..get what you need to enable it come forth. For e.g. in my case right now..a book to read, a blog page, a quiet room to think and write, a laptop and Wi-Fi to post blog with . Doesn't sound like much right now, however...the outcome of this in the long run could be, motivational speaking on topics I've covered in my blog, coaching sessions for persons who want to know more on this, my personal implementation of the principles here leading to improved performance in my work/relationships, testimonials of persons whose lives changed as a result of my sharing, or just the sheer joy of seeing my thoughts come to life online...for any of the just stated examples, I still win. Also, nothing stops me from jumping at any activities that require such skills in my current role, while seeing it as deliberate practice. Such that in little time coleagues would recognise that this is my turf and push such assignments my way, im happy...they're happy and we all win.(pls take a few minutes to think about how this might look in your own circumstance)
- Unify, Focus & Concentrate your energies
"Like a telescope at first only hazily focused on a distant star, a series of consecutive corrections&fine tuning make the star sharper & clearer. Eventually the star comes into full view...vivid, brilliant, alive"
The quote above implies the state of the mind when you're only just beginning to sniff out your purpose/calling, you have a sense of what it is but you're not really sure, so you start narrowing your lenses (i. e channeling your efforts towards your gifts/true nature) in order to get a clearer view, the more you narrow and fine tune (i. e concentrate your energies on your gifts/nature), the clearer it becomes, until there, its sharp and crystal clear in your mind (i. e there comes a need of the times which you know you're qualified to meet) and now you know exactly what you must do..you do it and there your shine!
This book gives great examples of individuals who embodied this principle of focus & energy concentration, with unbelievable results and impact in the world. One of such examples is of Susan B. Anthony, the lady who championed the movement for female voters in America.
She started her life as a teacher because she admired the social and economic independence which the profession of teaching allowed women in those days, and while in that role was able to educate herself on a wide range of topics from which she discovered her passion for social action & reforms on issues surrounding women.
Shortly after this discovery, she left her role of teaching to take up activities based on this new passion, she joined a reform group, and championed/won her 1st demonstration to give women the right to speak in public.(notice how her years of teaching will have prepared her for this)
Many different small wins later, she came to the realization that until women were allowed to vote, there would always be disregard for their opinions or welfare, so her mission became to secure the right to vote for women, and this became her life's great work. Everything she did was now channeled towards bringing that dream to life....from the clothes she wore, to the books she read, the exercises she did, the classes she took, the forums she attended, and the company she kept, she sharpened herself daily in readiness for the role she was destined to play.
She became the epitome of the woman you felt confident to allow a vote and inspired a whole generation of women along that line. She debated where necessary, and solicited where necessary, she took criticism with her head held high and stayed the course because her eyes were fixed on the goal. It wasn't about her and her needs, her pride, or her glory, it was about generations of American women for whom the slightest mis-step on her part would have cost them the right to vote. In the end, what a confounding ripple impact the action of the little girl who wanted to be a teacher, resulted in for modern day society. (such an inspiring piece of history). Can you think of any examples around you that give insight to how deliberate practice and focus gave birth to life changing purpose. A few readily come to my mind.
So...what steps are you going to take to ensure you create the right conditions to make your own little piece of history? Begin now, stay the course, channel/focus your energies towards it and give time the opportunity to make your work a part of history, whatever your niche may be.
- Practice Deliberately
Deliberate practice is not about repetition of the activity, it is about sustaining actions on the activity with the specific view of further understanding it & improving that activity. It is not enough to just keep repeating it, you have to make it better than it was the previous day, that way each new piece is a reveal of fresh aspects of your growth.
Deliberate practice is ceaseless work on your craft, either by observing it (i. e study experts in that domain), by executing it (i. e apply what you learn or just go with your inspiration), and finally by application of invulnerable conscience (i. e remain true to your craft & your own voice/style, resist following trends for the sake of trends, be authentic).
Truly there is genuine enjoyment in the practice of your calling or utilization of your gifts. You should confidently seek out opportunities to display them as this is the only way you get better and grow in it...volunteer if necessary, take up apprenticeship under an expert in that domain, find ways to display it in the course of your everyday life, engage family, friends, colleagues with it, whatever you do, make sure you keep at it and not lose it. Become disciplined about your practice and your delivery. Master your craft!
As you do this, you will observe how you are slowly becoming one with it, such that at any time you are called to deliver you are ready and capable. There appears to be an instinctive alignment/connection with your craft, you just "flow" with ease in its delivery & application, Eventually you get to points of genius, if you keep unraveling it, layer by layer, day by day, step by step.
Did you get to the end??? Great!
In summary of the 2nd Pillar : You already have a sense of what it is you're really great at that the world needs. Now is not the time to hesitate! take action to enable these gifts come forth and thrive by creating the right conditions, providing the right resources and being in the right environment that supports you to achieve. Find every opportunity to practice, as this is the only way you get better at it and convince others to take you seriously.
Hope this was useful🙏...Cheers🍸to open minds!
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