Wednesday, 9 May 2018

12. Scared Successful Woman - By Akpana Ahukannah

Wow!!!! Ladies and gentlemen, Dreams really do come true if you just believe, and do the work it takes to get there. For nearly 2 years I have been blogging about books written by others, but today I blog about my first book. For those who follow me on social media, it is no longer news that I have authored a sensational book about my personal experiences. What is not really known however, is what it focuses on and why I even choose to write about being Scared and Successful. Well...ponder no more, as in this post I will be sharing my exclusive interview with my publisher (Heart2World Publishing) on the WHAT, WHY and HOW of this book. Enjoyyyy!

  • Why did you write this book?
    • Hmmmm…I’ll try not to give a cliché answer. Honestly, I wrote this book because I wanted to write. I’ve always dreamed about writing, one of my life goals from way back when, was to be an Author. Infact, I’ve written small stories and discarded them in the past. I think it it’s more a question of why this story? In that case, because I wanted to tell the truth about my fear, my bad habit of lying when I'm scared, my less than perfect goody 2 shoes self, but most of all my struggle to be real. I could have written fiction, but I decided my first book should be the truth about myself.

  • Who are the readers you have in mind? Who is that one person you think really needs this book?
    • My reader is a young, upwardly mobile individual, who is beginning to realise that there is more to life than looking, feeling and acting good. An individual who is beginning to question him/herself about why exactly nothing seems to give lasting Joy. My reader is a seeker, searching for hope, truth and inspiration. My reader wants to grow emotionally and spiritually.
  • What results do you expect to see in the lives of those who read through your book? What should readers be looking forward to by picking up your book?
    • First of all I want to see courage and authenticity (i.e. realness/truthfulness/originality ) displayed henceforth in the life of those who read my book and take it seriously. But more importantly, I want to see purpose being discovered and fulfilled. In this book my reader will find...
      • A new perspective on fear that might be holding you back.
      • Insight on fear triggers and residual fear.
      • A simplified approach for recognising your unique strengths and for clarifying your values.
      • My journey to finding and living in “Purpose”.
      • Real life stories that exemplify universal principles for building courage and facing fear
      • Finally, a manifesto by way of poem, detailing critical steps to becoming authentic.

  • Can you describe your experience while writing this book? I could see the book is over 40,000 words long... What challenges did you face while writing, how did you surmount them, what was the motivating force to start and finish the book?
    • This is 3 questions in one. Lol... Let me take them one after the other.
    • Answer to Q1-  My experience was Surprise, Joy, Fear and Pride. I’ll explain.
      • Surprise first because wow! I did it! I saw this through even when I kept having doubts up till the last chapter.
      • Joy because the words just kept coming and I realised that I really am up to this, it’s not a fluke, I am a writer.
      • Fear because there might be some backlash, some people might be hurt, and I’m exposed now; there were somethings I almost did not write.
      • Pride because I did not let my fears stop me from putting the words down, also because over 40,000 words in first book, that’s something. Plus you can now call me an Author. (smiles)
    • Answer to Q2 - Time was a big challenge, Telling the truth was a challenge, Feeling unworthy and guilty as well.
      • Time : This was a challenge because I work full time in a demanding job, I’m married with 2 kids, I blog, I volunteer, I read etc. Sometimes there’s barely enough time for sleep and I love my sleep. I was able to overcome the time challenge by actually giving myself more time. It took nearly a full year, short of some days to finish this book. So I guess I paced myself. There were times when I would write 4-5 chapters in one day. And there were times I did not write a single word for months, though it was always on my mind. Eventually the biggest push was the deadline I had given myself to launch by my birthday. The closer it got to my birthday, the more determined I was to finish. So I sat tight and finished. Sometimes this meant writing all night till about 5am in the morning while hubby and the girls were asleep. But it paid off.
      • Truth : This was a challenge because I worry that there might be some consequences to some of the things I shared and that people might judge me. I am still in the process of overcoming this one. But what gives me courage is the fact that I wrote the truth, and I believe that by sharing this truth, others will be helped.
      • Unworthiness & Guilt: Does it make sense that I sometimes feel like a hypocrite having put these words down? Often I wonder, will putting these words down in a book absolve me or make me immune? I’m beginning to think that authors are like preachers in a way; Having voiced or written certain words, they are bound to them, with no room for error. I fear that I am not completely immune to error, but I am willing to tell the truth about my mistakes and to try again. I will never stop trying.
    • Answer to Q3- The motivating force was to find answers to all the questions that plagued me about Fear, Choice and Not-belonging. But also, to publish my first book by my 34th birthday.
  • Every book has a core message that the entire chapters are built around. What is the core of the book?
    • The core message of this book is “the journey to being real”. A journey of self-recognition, self-denial and self-acceptance. I used to pretend that I had no hidden parts, and I ran away from everything that forced me to confront the hidden parts of my character. However, Hiding gave me no peace. Truth, Purpose & Belief in the existence of God and his laws are the closest I have gotten to peace. Like every heroes journey, this one is also filled with its own tales of seeking, journeying, trials and triumphs.
  • Where do you see the book and most importantly, yourself going in the near future?
    • I see the book going to the Perennial Seller List (i.e. a book that stays relevant through all trends, times and culture) I see it becoming a gift from mother to daughter, mentor to mentee and Husband to wife. I see Organisations giving it to young employees during personal-development programmes. I see churches sharing it with young about to be married couples. I see a series being made out of the many chapters of this book. I see it in the hands of Oprah Winfrey!
    • As for myself, I remain passionate about stories and will continue to share them in all aspects of my life. I see myself writing many more books and poems, I see myself teaching in many class rooms and platforms, I see myself rising to the top of my professional career in HR, I see myself running my own Leadership Academy. I see myself reading and learning continuously throughout my life.
  • Does the message of the book apply only to women?
    • Not at all. It is a universal book that is relevant to the male and female sexes alike. Women may relate more however because of its title, and the author being a woman.
  • If you were to describe the message/core themes of the book in four words, what words will you use?
    • This one is easy  hahha. They are on the Book cover sef!
  • How does the message of the book fit into the context of what is happening in the society today as it relates to women, career, success or any other themes that resonate with you?
    • The message of the book is very relevant to what is happening in the society today and not only for women. First off, we live in the age of social media, filters and a zillion personal blogs. It is very easy to get caught up in all that information, hype and advancement to the detriment of our own personal reflection, unique qualities and creativity; This is why the message on authenticity is so important, so that we do not get lost, but rather find our true selves despite all the noise around us.
    • Secondly, the issue of success as defined by popular media today e.g. Money, cars, houses, and bling, is really quite a façade. True success depends on much more than monetary gains and I expand on this more in the book.

  • What is the ultimate antidote to the fear of failure or overwhelming pressure?
Hmmmm, is this a set up? Ultimate Antidote to Fear? Well, I’ll give it a shot.
    • First,  “know yourself” well enough to figure out which causes are for you, worth failing & fighting for. Therein, failure loses its harsh bite and becomes more of practice and a journey to eventual success.
    • Second, “Have an infallible source by which you qualify good or bad and draw inspiration from” This will serve as your guide. In my case as a Christian; The word of God and Christ’s message of Love and righteousness.
    • Third, “Discipline to do the right/good thing” as prescribed in your source above. Most of our fear comes from worrying about consequences for our wrong actions or inactions.
    • Finally, Trust in God that all things worketh for our good even when things do not go as hoped for.

If you will like to order a copy of this book, please send a message to ... or

Call me on 08032469718 or

Contact Roving Heights Books on 09092158968

For more updates and excerpts from this book, you can follow me on Instagram/Facebook @Akpana_Ahukannah

Cheers to open minds!


  1. I have just finished my copy of scared successful woman and reading it gave rise to a lot of positive thoughts and created the need for some decisive next steps in my quest to overcome the endless (and needless ) fears on my journey to finding purpose and meaning for my life.
    Akpana’s real style of writing which took us through her journey of fear from a little girl to the successful woman she is today, creates a perfect blend of storytelling and knowledge sharing.
    I thoroughly enjoyed this book and couldn’t put it down until I finished it .
    I am certain that everyone needs to read this book and garner insights that will prove useful on our life’s path .

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. First of all, I'd like to say kudos to Akpana for a book well written. I love the fact that the book is filled with interesting stories that entertain as well as pass the message across. I did not get bored for one minute and trust me, that is a big deal.
    This book talks about fear and how to face your fears sighting real life stories from people who faced and overcame their fears. I learnt a lot and I am sure you will too.
    I'll recommend this book to anyone who has found it hard to believe in themselves and are scared of facing their fears.
    Ukwudi Ogbeche
